Endocrine, Hernia & Robotics Specialist

Adjunct Assistant Professor Charles Tan is a General surgeon with 21 years of clinical experience. He attained his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leicester in 1995. After completing his basic surgery training in Singapore at the Singapore General Hospital & National University Hospital, he attained entry into the Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS) in 2006. He was then awarded a fellowship for further training at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Prior to establishing his private practice, Dr Tan was formerly Senior Consultant at the National University Hospital (NUH) of Singapore.

As Head of the Endocrine Surgery Division in NUH, he started the robotic axillary thyroid surgery program. He currently has the largest experience of thyroid surgery via the axillary in Singapore. Apart from comprehensive treatment of thyroid cancers, other new procedures include minimally invasive parathyroid surgery under local anaesthesia and key-hole adrenal surgery (trans-abdominal or retroperitoneal).

He is currently the president of the Singapore Hernia Society. He has performed more than 1000 cases, of which 90% of cases are performed via key-hole. He regularly conducts courses and master classes to share his expertise to fellow colleagues.

Dr Charles Tan also has a strong passion to teach. He has been the best tutor in the department of surgery every year and still holds a position as a visiting consultant, adjunct assistant professor in National University Hospital. To further contribute to medical education, he has written a best-seller OSCE book for students.





陈思光医生对非常热心于教学,培育下一代。 一直以来,他每年都是外科手术系的最佳老师,也继续在国立大学医院担任兼职助理教授和客座顾问。为了进一步促进医疗教育,他还写了一本客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)的参考书,深受学生的欢迎。

Practice Address

Charles Tan Surgery (Mount Elizabeth Novena)
38 Irrawaddy Road, #09-37 Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, Singapore 329563

Charles Tan Surgery (Gleneagles)
6 Napier Road, #03-11 Gleneagles Medical Centre, Singapore 258499

Address & Contact

Our Address

38 Irrawaddy Road, #09-37 Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, Singapore 329563


1.322393578821, 103.84441040972
