The Resilienz Clinic is a mental health clinic that provides a holistic and personalized approach to the assessment and treatment of psychological conditions. We treat a range of mental health conditions that affect individuals of all ages from children and adolescents to adults and elderly. Psychological conditions include depression, grief, anxiety and stress-related disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), childhood behavioural and emotional disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dementia and addictions.
The Resilienz Clinic also provide psychiatric assessment and expert opinion pertaining to Lasting Power of Attorney, mental capacity, and forensic and medico-legal cases. Our treatment usually combines medications and psychotherapy / counselling for the best outcome. We endeavour to help individuals recover from psychological adversities, restore mental strength, and build resilience. With the right treatment, we believe that every affected individual can rebound, recover and rebuild life following any adversity.