A self-proclaimed “not your usual chiropractor”, Jesse believes in empowering his clients to live their own versions of a functional and fulfilling life. Jesse, who originally chose to enroll in a Veterinarian School, went on a whirlwind journey through the law department of Murdoch University before settling into its Chiropractic Science course for five years.
Prior to his return to Singapore, Jesse worked closely with high level Australian athletes. This included the Australian Football League as well as various state and national level sporting clubs. He was the Head Sport Trainer for the Forrestfield Football Club, board member of the Sports Chiropractic Australia in 2017, and was a member of Sports Medicine Australia.
It comes as no surprise that Jesse is quite a physically active individual as well. He was part of the Indian Ocean Dragon Boat Club in North Fremantle, which competed in the 2017 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival. While he dabbled in outrigger canoeing around Sentosa, he can now be found strolling over to the nearby Straits Clan for his twice-a-week HIIT sessions, before slurping oysters at Humpback (a spritz may or may not be included). And, if you’re lucky, you might bump into his best friend, Kokoro, the goldendoodle on one of their walks.